Volunteering With Us
Volunteers are a very important part of our chapter. Our Volunteers are committed and enthusiastic people who work alongside our Chapter Board members. Volunteers contribute significantly to enhancing the experiences we can offer our members, guests, and visitors.
Tasmania Chapter Volunteers help to deliver a fantastic range of exciting and memorable services, events, and programs as well as assisting the Board behind the scenes. Volunteering is an excellent way to expand your network and increase your skills and qualifications as a leader. Volunteers are the lifeblood and foundation of PMI. Your participation enables us to serve, grow and advance the project management profession and our Chapter.
Current volunteer positions available:

Why Volunteer
Contributing to Chapter activities not only betters the Chapter, but it also benefits you in many ways. People choose to become Tasmania Chapter Volunteers for a number of reasons.
We want your participation – We want you to Get Involved. Whatever your interest or strength, the PMI Tasmania Chapter encourages you to become actively involved in making this an outstanding organisation!
Share skills, talents & experiences
Help preserve and promote PMI
Stay connected with industry
Gain new experiences & skills
Enhance professional development
Meet new people and have fun
Make a positive difference
Becoming a Volunteer
Enquiries and registrations to become a volunteer are accepted at any time throughout the year. To get started, log in to the PMI Volunteer Engagement Platform, update your volunteer profile so we can let you know about volunteer roles with the Tasmania Chapter that match your skills and interests.
Our volunteers come from diverse backgrounds and have a common interest in project management. They include students, retirees, full-time and part-time workers. Everyone has something to offer. For more information, watch this video and email our Director of Volunteering.
Current volunteer positions available:
Frequently Asked Questions - Volunteering
What is a volunteer?
A volunteer is someone who freely gives of their time and skills to a not-for-profit organisation in order to help it further its goals. Volunteers are unpaid for their contribution to the organisation but are highly regarded for the assistance they give.
Who can volunteer?
Our volunteers come from diverse backgrounds and have a common interest in project management. They include students, retirees, full-time and part-time workers. Everyone has something to offer.
Do I have to be a PMI member?
No; anyone who has an interest in project management may volunteer.
Do I need a working with children and/or police check?
No; there is no requirement to work with children in the normal course of volunteering so no checks are required.
What kind of time commitment do I need to make as a volunteer?
Volunteer opportunities range from short-term commitments of a few hours to long-term committee lead roles. The PMI Tasmania Chapter has many different opportunities available, and the hours and skills required for each opportunity vary. We have volunteer opportunities to fit everyone's busy schedule..
Am I limited to one volunteer role only?
While we encourage new volunteers to start with one voluntary role only, we hope that once established, volunteers will expand or contract their voluntary commitments to suit their interests and lifestyle. Volunteers are welcome to change or add to their role at any time, subject to availability.
What happens if I am sick or want to go on holiday or don't feel like coming in?
We know that volunteers will have other things going on in their lives alongside their voluntary commitments. Our program is flexible enough to accommodate those needs. We just ask that volunteers keep in touch regarding their availability and 'fit' with the Program. Volunteers are always free to change their minds.